Treasures of the Tokyo National Museum

監修:東京国立博物館 / 写真:六田知弘
価格:本体 8,000円+消費税
ISBN978-4-907083-65-6 C0070

This book presents about 300 new photographs of some 150 superlative works from the Tokyo National Museum collection. Here is a virtual tour of Japan’s flagship museum and an opportunity for readers to immerse themselves in the distinctive aura of each treasure in turn.


p. 7 Foreword
pp. 8–207 Japanese Art
pp. 208–283 Asian Art
pp. 284–309 List of Works

The Tokyo National Museum, established in 1872, is the oldest museum in Japan. Over the past century and a half, it has built a collection of some 119,000 artistic treasures from Japan and other Asian nations. The collection covers a chronological span from thousands of years BCE to the present day, and it encompasses painting, sculpture, pottery, calligraphy, textiles, armaments, and other genres. This book presents about 300 new photographs of some 150 superlative works from the Tokyo National Museum collection. Here is a virtual tour of Japan’s flagship museum and an opportunity for readers to immerse themselves in the distinctive aura of each treasure in turn.


東京国立博物館  (トウキョウコクリツハクブツカン)  (監修

The Tokyo National Museum, established in 1872, is the oldest museum in Japan. Over the past century and a half, it has built a collection of some 119,000 artistic treasures from Japan and other Asian nations. The collection covers a chronological span from thousands of years BCE to the present day, and it encompasses painting, sculpture, pottery, calligraphy, textiles, armaments, and other genres.

六田 知弘  (ムダ トモヒロ)  (写真

1956年奈良県生まれ。早稲田大学卒業。2008年に外国人としては約70年ぶりに中国三大石窟のひとつ「雲岡石窟」の全容を撮影し、写真集を出版(2010年)。主な写真集に『仏宇宙』(2020年)、『時のイコン 東日本大震災の記憶』(2013年)、『石と光 シトーのロマネスク聖堂』(2012年)、『ひかりの素足 シェルパ』(2006年)など多数。
Muda Tomohiro
Born in Nara Prefecture in 1956. In 1988, he presented “The Land of Sherpa,” his first private exhibition, featuring photographs he took during his stay in the Himalayan village of Sherpa. He later traveled around the world to capture images of various Japanese, Romanesque and Byzantine art, as well as Buddhist ruins such as Chinese cave art, the Borobudur, Angkor and Ajanta. Using “Spaces for Prayer, Forms of Prayer” as a theme, he displayed them through photo exhibitions and publication.